如果您本人或孩子,讀寫困難, 学業跟不上,嘗試了多種專業輔導方法卻無濟於事。 那麼很有可能是起因於對光的視覺敏感。早在1980年美國教育心理學家Helen Irlen發現了此問題。後將其命名為 Irlen光敏綜合症(Irlen Syndrome)。此問題最有效的解決方法是Irlen®光敏矯正法(Irlen® Method)

What Is Irlen Syndrome? (Irlen光敏綜合症)

Irlen光敏綜合症(Irlen Syndrome), 原名Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome,也被稱為Visual Dyslexia(視覺性讀寫障礙), 是因為異常感受某些光波的刺激而造成的視覺感知異常。 它跟眼科專業無關, 是腦神經功能的問題。大部分是先天遺傳所致, 也是腦震盪後遺症的㇐種。症狀因人而異,程度輕重不㇐。會因生理狀況和外界環境的變化而變化,但不會自然消失。

光敏感問題不僅影響學業和工作效率,也給日常生活帶來多重困擾。除了怕光反應以外,通常還伴有生理不適,文字失真,視像扭曲,空間感知異常。目前専業濾光矯正(Irlen® Method)是最有效的解決方法。專家研究報告指出, 全球人口約15%持有不同程度的Irlen®光敏綜合症。其中約1/3有類似過動的行为表現,約1/2同時兼有學習障礙或自閉症傾向

主要症狀(Main Symptoms)

強烈感光 :怕強光環境(LED/電腦屏幕/螢光燈/車燈; 炫光/太陽光; 教室白板, 白底黑字)
生理不適:眼睛疲勞; (偏)頭痛; 肩頸痛; 胸悶噁心 等々
學習問題:文字/記號扭曲, 視像虛幻不全,造成讀寫困難,課業無法專注和持久,成績或工作效率無法提升。
遠近異常:常碰撞跌倒 , 誤踩樓梯或電扶梯; 不擅⾧球技運動 , 開車停車常出狀況。

・Light Sensitivity LED/PC; fluorescent/car Light; Glare/Whiteboard; b/w Print
・Physical Symptoms Visual Stress; Strain/Fatigue ; Headaches/Migraines, etc.
・Reading Difficulties Print Distortions; Attention/Concentration Problems;
 Poor Comprehesion & Achievement
・Other Learning Troubles Copying/Handwriting; Reading Numbers/Music;
 Computer/Cell Phone Use
・Poor Depth Perception Driving Problems; Troubles with Ball/Escalators/Stairs

Irlen® Syndrome is NOT a problem with the EYES, BUT a problem with the BRAIN.

Irlen® Syndrome, originally termed SSS (Scotopic Sensitivity Syndrome), is also referred to as Visual Stress and Visual Dyslexia. It is a perceptual processing disorder caused by the BRAIN’s inability to process visual information due to offensive light waves.

This problem is genetic, and is not currently identified by other standardized educational or medical tests. Its individuals have different symptoms primarily suffering from perceptual distortions It affects not only academic tasks and work, but also daily life in many aspects. It won`t go away without the professional correction of this perceptual dysfunction.

And it is not rare. Research has shown that up to 1 in 5 people have some degree of Irlen® Syndrome. About 1 in 3 individuals with the problems have similar behaviors to those with ADHD, and 1/2 of those with LD or ASD issues are suffering from reading difficulties. Irlen® Syndrome can only be identified by Irlen® Screening.
For more Irlen Syndrome Distortions
go to https:/ /youtu.be/oU9TLOsMq8g

特別影像演出: Special Video on
        Irlen Syndrome: A Teen's Summary