Irlen® Screener Training Workshop
課 程 大 綱
➔ 詳細介紹“Irlen光敏綜合症”,專業認知Irlen光敏問題的實質
➔ 學會如何辨識疑似對象,並了解其共有的學習問題和行為特徵
➔ 理解“視覺訊息處理功能異常”(Visual Processing Disorder)對於讀寫,數學,樂譜,專注力,情緒,行為,以及遠近感和空間協調等多方面的影響
➔ 進㇐步了解光敏感跟遠近感和感覺統合的關係
➔ 學會如何執行IRPS的專業測試, 評估和初步矯正
➔ 介紹專業有色膠片(Irlen® Colored Overlays)的活用和其他有效的干預措施
➔ 可設教學實習現場,模擬IRPS的臨床篩檢(Optional)
有 關 報 名
- 申請資格:具有以下任何㇐項資歷的有志人士
1.一般/特教師資 2.心理諮商師/臨床心理師 3.眼科醫師/驗光師 4.從事言語/職能/物理治療等醫事工作者
5.持有教育/心理/醫學背景學位的有志人士 - 地點:台中市(另行通知)
- 時間:週末或假日 (具體日程請參照FB/irlentaiwan的通告, 或另請商議)
- 報名方式: 請先送交以下文件至 irlentaiwan@gmail.com
1. 報名表(請先下載SIGN-IN SHEET)
2. 學經歷
3. 志願動機說明
請於培訓課程前4-5週完成報名。資格過審後, 請於培訓日前4週完成資料匯款 NTD10,500(含國際通運費和認證註冊費)。 感謝配合。 - 課程費用:依學員人數將另行通知(可直接電話聯繫 0968-588-238/清河老師,或私訊FB/irlentaiwan)
- 匯款賬戶:中華郵政(700)0021637 /賬號:0444301 /戶名:清河麗依(Kiyokawa Rei)
Certified Irlen® Screener Training Workshop
Join us in one of our two-day seminars specifically designed for teachers,reading or resource specialists, school psychologists, speech-language therapists, occupational therapists, counselors, learning specialists, tutors,and educational therapists.
In this 2-day workshop, you will learn:
→ | How to identify individuals with Irlen® Syndrome |
→ | The common learning and behavioral characteristics of individuals with Irlen® Syndrome |
→ | How perception affects reading, math, copying, and writing skills |
→ | How perception can affect depth perception and sensory integration |
→ | How to test using the Irlen Reading Perceptual Scale (IRPS) |
→ | A variety of intervention strategies including Irlen® Colored Overlays |
→ | Hands-on practice using the IRPS |
About Registration
- Requirements:
Teaching certificate or graduate degree in education, pschology, counselling, assessment, speech/occupational therapy or rehab., or working with literacy program (including in the prison system). - For Dates & Locations: Weekend in TAICHUNG
(For more details,please call 0968-588-348, or get onto FB/irlentaiwan) - Application:
Please email your SIGN-IN SHEET(Download PDF), RESUME (education & work experience) and a Brief Letter which indicates how you intend to use your training, to the following e-mail address of Rei Kiyokawa:irlentaiwan@gmail.com
Application documents are to be received 4-5 Weeks in advance; Payment of the Initial Fee of NTD10,500 (for Registration, Materials, shipping & handling) must be completed At Latest 4 WEEKS Prior To the Training Date.
TRAINING FEE will be otherwise informed depending on the number of participants. - Bank Account : First Bank 405-68-173969 / Kiyokawa Rei